A VMware communications issue occurs in Uptime Infrastructure Monitor when attempting to retrieve deep metrics. this issue causes Uptime to display the message, "Unable to get deep metrics."
Use the following steps to resolve this issue.
- Connect to vCenter using a Web browser. For this example, we use Mozilla Firefox.
- Click the certificate / security warning area in the browser and continue to export the certificate.
- Export the certificate file to your Monitoring Station.
- Run:
C:\uptime\jre\bin>keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias sa-vc1_ca -file VMwaredefaultcertificate.crt -keystore c:\uptime\jre\lib\security\cacerts
- When prompted for the password, type changeit
- when a confirmation message appears, click Yes to trust the certificate.
- Restart the Uptime Data Collector (or core in Linux) service.
This process is typical for any issue that triggers an invalid certificate response, i.e expired, self-signed, etc. certificates, and is similar to the process of telling your browser to add the certificate and ignore the errors. You may have to repeat this process with any internal LAN-based servers with self-signed certificates in your environment.
If this help does not resolve your issue, please contact IDERA Technical Support.