If the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Linux Agent is managed by xinetd (default option), it is possible to limit access to the Agent with xinetd's "only_from" parameter.  Setting only_from parameter to the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Monitoring Station hostname or IP address will restrict any other system from issuing requests to the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Agent.


To implement, update the /etc/xinetd.d/uptimeagent configuration file and add the following line at the end (above the closing curly bracket).

only_from = uptime_ms

If using an IP address, the only_from line is similar:

only_from =

With the /etc/xinetd.d/uptimeagent configuration file updated, restart the xinetd service to read in the change.

/etc/init.d/xinetd restart


Now, only the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Monitoring Station system can access the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Agent.