Some versions of the Tru64 agent do not ignore NFS file systems by default. To resolve this issue, update your agent or make the following change to the /opt/SPYNuptm/bin/ file on the agent system:
- Open the file /opt/SPYNuptm/bin/ in a text editor.
- Search for $DFBIN
Change the line to:
$DFBIN -k -t nonfs | fgrep -v proc | fgrep -v cdrom | fgrep -v floppy | $AWKBIN '{ if ( index ( $1, ":" ) <= 0 ) { if ($2=="") { fs=$1; getline; print fs " " $0 } else { print $0 } } }' | tail +2
- Save the file.
NFS file systems should be ignored starting with the next agent polling cycle.