Uptime Infrastructure Monitor can monitor and gather performance data from a variety of platforms without requiring an Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Agent to be installed on the monitored system. This functionality is provided by using WMI or standard services and applications already available on the monitored system.

Currently a Windows Monitoring Station is required to utilize WMI Agentless Monitoring.

The following tables provide a summary of platforms that are officially supported by the designated Uptime Infrastructure Monitor version.  Note that this table is updated at the time of each Uptime Infrastructure Monitor product release.  Official support status indicates that the platform and OS has completed full QA testing during the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor release process.  Please contact [email protected] for any questions about versions not listed on this table.

IBM pSeries Systems

Platform and VersionUptime Infrastructure Monitor Version
HMC v6R1.3(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)
HMC v7R3.x(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)
HMC v7R7.1.0(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)

(tick) Supported and tested

(plus) Support added in this release

(warning) Supported but not tested

(minus) Support removed in this release

VMware Systems

Platform and VersionUptime Infrastructure Monitor Version -
ESX / ESXi 3.5

ESX / ESXi 4.0

ESX / ESXi 4.1

ESXi 5.0
ESXi 5.1
ESXi 5.5 GA

ESXi 5.5 U1

ESXi 5.5 U2

ESXi 5.5 U3

ESXi 6.0 GA

ESXi 6.0 U1

ESXi 6.0 U2

ESXi 6.5 GA

ESXi 6.7 GA(plus)

vCenter 4

vCenter 5.0
vCenter 5.1
vCenter 5.5

vCenter 6.0

vCenter 6.5

vCenter 6.7(plus)

(tick) Supported and tested

(plus) Support added in this release

(warning) Supported but not tested

(minus) Support removed in this release

WMI Monitoring

Platform and VersionUptime Infrastructure Monitor Version
Windows 7 Professional and Enterprise

Windows 7 SP1 Professional and Enterprise(warning)(warning)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise(warning)(warning)(warning)(tick)(plus)

Windows 8.1 Professional and Enterprise(warning)(tick)(tick)(plus)

Windows 10 Professional and Enterprise(tick)(plus)

Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise

Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard and Enterprise

Windows Server 2008 Standard and Enterprise(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard and Enterprise(warning)(warning)(warning)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard and Enterprise(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)(tick)
Windows Server 2012 Essentials and Standard(warning)(warning)(warning)(tick)(plus)

Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials and Standard(tick)(tick)(tick)(plus)

Windows Server 2016 Essentials and Standard(plus)

Windows Server 2019 Essentials and Standard(plus)

(tick) Supported and tested

(plus) Support added in this release

(warning) Supported but not tested

(minus) Support removed in this release

Agentless Platforms

Uptime Infrastructure Monitor also provides basic monitoring capability for the following agentless platforms:

System ProtocolNotes
Net-SNMPUptime Infrastructure Monitor can gather basic performance data from any system running an SNMP daemon that presents information from the hoststatus.mib.
Novell Netware 6.5 NRMUptime Infrastructure Monitor will access performance data from a Netware 6.5 system running NRM via an http or SSL connection. Authentication is required and the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor user must log in with administrator privileges and access to the BasicHealth system screen.
Node MonitoringUptime Infrastructure Monitor will perform service availability monitoring but not gather performance data from these systems.