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About Uptime Infrastructure Monitor

Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is an enterprise tool that provides a unified view for IT-systems monitoring. Through proactive, comprehensive and integrated monitoring and reporting, Uptime Infrastructure Monitor gives complete visibility and control over the availability, performance and capacity of your IT environment, from applications, to servers and virtual machines, to network devices. Although comprehensive and scalable, Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is also easy to use, and can be deployed in minutes.

About this Guide

This Getting Started Guide helps you become familiar with using the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor Monitoring Station to perform some of Uptime Infrastructure Monitor's basic features. This guide walks you through a typical post-installation workflow where you add and organize Elements, add service monitors and service groups, manage users, and generate reports. With an understanding of these features, you have a foundation to explore more advanced topics such as adding alerting and post-alert action profiles, implementing escalation policies, defining maintenance windows, or creating SLAs.

Intended Audience

This guide is intended for the system administrator who is responsible for managing Uptime Infrastructure Monitor for other users within the IT organization. You may be installing and configuring Uptime Infrastructure Monitor for the first time, or have taken over management of an existing deployment. Other members of the organization who are interested in understanding some of Uptime Infrastructure Monitor's basic features may wish to skim this guide. In either case, this guide assumes readers are novices to the product, but are experienced in IT systems management.

Assumptions About Your Environment

Because Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is a multi-faceted solution, its setup varies depending on which platforms you are monitoring. This guide introduces monitoring a virtual inventory such as VMware vCenter or Hyper-V, monitoring Linux- and Windows-based servers using agents or WMI for data collection, respectively, and SNMP-based monitoring. These topics are structured in a manner that you can skip the type or monitoring that is not applicable to how you are deploying Uptime Infrastructure Monitor in your environment.

Formatting Conventions

boldany reference to parts of the Uptime Infrastructure Monitor user interface
italicsterminology specific to Uptime Infrastructure Monitor, that is used for the first time
note box


Some notes or tips keep you aware of low-level details, or keep you focused on the big picture.

info box

When applicable, links to other topics are presented.

Getting Support

Uptime Infrastructure Monitor is easy to get set up and running, and this guide covers basic use cases to get you started. However, Uptime Infrastructure Monitor handles diverse monitoring needs; the following IDERA resources are available to you as you learn more about configuring and managing Uptime Infrastructure Monitor: 









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