This following describes all of the actions that can be executed with service monitors.
Managing Monitors
Listing Monitors
List service monitors visible to the authenticated user account.
To list all service monitors:
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors/
To list a specific service monitor:
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors/<id>/
Example Request
List all visible service monitors:
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors
List a specific service monitor (e.g. ID #19):
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors/19
Example Responses
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors/
[ { "description": "Collects basic performance data", "elementId": 1, "id": 3, "isHidden": true, "isHostCheck": false, "isMonitored": true, "name": "Platform Performance Gatherer", "type": "ERDCwindows" }, { "description": "", "elementId": 1, "id": 331, "isHidden": false, "isHostCheck": false, "isMonitored": true, "name": "FS-monitor-warning win-dleith", "type": "File System Capacity" }, { "description": "Default uptime check for win-dleith", "elementId": 1, "id": 1, "isHidden": false, "isHostCheck": false, "isMonitored": true, "name": "UPTIME-win-dleith", "type": "up.time Agent" }, { "description": "Collects general configuration changes", "elementId": 1, "id": 4, "isHidden": true, "isHostCheck": false, "isMonitored": true, "name": "Configuration Update Gatherer", "type": "ERDCwindows" }, { "description", "Default ping check for win-dleith", "elementId": 1, "id": 2, "isHidden": false, "isHostCheck": true, "isMonitored": true, "name": "PING-win-dleith", "type": "Ping" } { "description", "Default ping check for rd-01", "elementId": 8, "id": 306, "isHidden": false, "isHostCheck": true, "isMonitored": true, "name": "PING-rh-01" "type": "Ping" }, ... ]
Response Field Details
For each returned service monitor the following fields will be provided:
Field | Type | Description |
description | String | description of this service monitor |
elementId | Integer | ID for this service monitor's parent Element; can return a null value for unassigned monitors |
id | Integer | ID for this Element |
isMonitored | Boolean | monitoring status for this Element |
isHostCheck | Boolean | returns true if this service monitor is the host check for its parent Element |
isHidden | Boolean | hidden monitors are internal monitors that up.time uses, and can generally be ignored |
name | String | display name of the service monitor |
type | String | the service monitor type, typically as seen in the up.time UI |
Actions On A Service Monitor
View Service Monitor Status Summary
Produces basic availability information, similar to the status shown on Global Scan. The 'status' task can only be called against one service monitor at a time, based on ID.
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors/<id>/status
Example Response
GET https://youruptime/api/v1/monitors/1/status
{ "elementId": 1, "elementStatus": { "id": 1, "isMonitored": true, "lastCheckTime": "2012-09-17T14:14:17", "lastTransitionTime": "2012-09-13T11:34:24", "message": "", "name": "win-dleith", "powerState": "On", "status": "OK" }, "id": 1, "isHidden": false, "isHostCheck": false, "isMonitored": true, "lastCheckTime": "2012-09-17T14:13:56", "lastTransitionTime": "2012-09-13T11:34:38", "message": "", "name": "UPTIME-win-dleith", "status": "UNKNOWN" }
Response Field Details
For the returned Element, the following fields will be provided:
Field | Type | Description |
elementId | Integer | ID for this service monitor's parent Element; can be null for unassigned monitors |
elementStatus | Object | an object listing the status of the parent Element for this monitor (see Element Status Object below for more detail) |
id | Integer | ID for this service monitor |
isMonitored | Boolean | monitoring Status for this service monitor |
isHidden | Boolean | hidden monitors are internal monitors that up.time uses, and can generally be ignored |
isHostCheck | Boolean | returns true if this service monitor is the host check for its parent Element |
lastCheckTime | String - Date Time | the last time this service monitor was executed successfully |
lastTransitionTime | String - Date Time | the last time this service monitor changed status, which can be used to determine time in its current status |
message | String | output message produced the last time the service monitor was executed |
name | String | name of this service monitor |
status | String | last known status of this service monitor |
Element Status Object
If this service monitor has a parent Element, its status details will be listed in the elementStatus
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | ID of the parent Element |
isMonitored | Boolean | monitoring status for the parent Element |
name | String | display name of the parent Element |
message | String | output message produced the last time the parent Element changed status |
status | String | last known status of the parent Element |
lastCheckTime | String - Date Time | the last time the parent Element's status was successfully checked |
lastTransitionTime | String - Date Time | the last time the parent Element changed status, which can be used to determine time in its current status |
powerState | String | the current power state of the parent Element (only provided for virtual Elements; all other Elements will return null) |